Share The Road | May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May. 9 2021 Ownership Tips By Peak Honda World

May is motorcycle safety awareness month. When the weather warms up, the bikes come out so this is a reminder to stay vigilant and be on the lookout for two-wheel adventurers. 

Here’s the thing, motorcycle safety is a two-way street (no pun intended). As a rider be sure to wear protective gear and clothing, including a helmet along with staying vigilant and riding defensively.

It can be tempting to weave in-between lanes or on the side of the road but driving safely and abiding by street laws is the best way to keep yourself and others safe.

Passenger car drivers should leave additional space between them and motorcyclists and should always look twice before turning or changing lanes.  

Kick-off the summer by staying alert, sharing the road and you could save a life.